Doctor Verena works with adults and children to help them overcome health challenges, so that they can experience a richer and fuller life. 

Her approach is to look beyond physical symptoms to identify and resolve the mental and emotional root causes of dis-ease, helping her clients to unlock their infinite potential.  


Doctor Verena offers:

(1) Neuro-training kinesiology sessions

(2) Holistic nutrition support


These sessions are recommended as a first step to address the root cause of your symptoms and to provide the mind and body with the resources to heal. 

Limiting beliefs, fears, unresolved conflict, shock and trauma imbalance the autonomic nervous system (innate stress response system), weakening the gut-brain connection, causing gut dysbiosis, a weakened immunity and other imbalances, contributing to physical symptoms. 

Doctor Verena applies autonomic response testing, accessing the bio-feedback loop between the muscles and the subconscious mind and using references to identify and resolve the mental, physical and emotional root causes of symptoms.

(2) Holistic Nutrition Support:

These sessions can be integrated into the Neuro-Training Kinesiology sessions, or booked as a follow-up to neuro-training kinesiology sessions, or independently. They support the body’s recuperation process, combining evidence-based nutritional science. Doctor Verena will cater to your needs no matter what consultation you book.


(1) TESTING It is always beneficial to bring your most recent blood tests to your initial consultation. Doctor Verena may suggest additional pathology testing.

(2) RESOLVE Identify and resolve the root cause of your physical, emotional and mental stress, using Neuro-Training Kinesiology.

(3) REMOVE the foods and toxins that aggravate and damage your physiology.

(4) REPLACE with healing wholefoods that seal the gut lining, re-mineralise, nourish & detoxify.

(5) REPAIR with herbs, minerals, natural supplements and prebiotics.

(6) REBALANCE with (spore) probiotics if needed.




Initial Consultation 90 min $299.00

Follow up 60 min $189.00

Follow up 30 min $110.00

Oligoscan Soft Tissue Analysis $110.00 plus 30 minute consultation $110.00

Total investment $220.00


Initial Consultation 60 min $242.00

Follow up 60 min $189.00

Follow up 30 min $110.00

Children (under 14 years):

Initial Consultation 60min $242.00

Follow up 60 min $189.00


…as featured in COAL COAST Magazine Issue No. 19 Autumn Edition 2023 (pp. 44-49)