

Passion & Dedication



Passion & Dedication

About Doctor Verena



Dr Verena Raschke-Cheema PhD, MSc. is a highly accomplished academic and clinician in the field of nutritional science. Verena is also a neuro-training kinesiologist, holistic health consultant, author, keynote speaker and mentor.

Extending her knowledge far beyond the realm of traditional science, Verena is qualified in Neuro-Training Kinesiology, remains a registered professional member of the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists and is committed to ongoing professional development with 'Resolve, beyond Neurology'. Verena has a deep understanding of Ayurvedic medicine, studying with Dr Lilardha Gupta of Vrindaban, India.

Doctor Verena's career has allowed her to specialise and gain invaluable experiences in the field of nutritional sciences across various cultures and continents, including Austria, Germany, Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.

Today, she shares her profound understanding of the Nutrition Transition, gut health, and the path to radiant health with clients in her practice, delivers engaging workshops and seminars, and is a sought-after keynote speaker.



After a decade of clinical practice, Verena's dedication to delivering holistic, evidence-based solutions has seen her become an influential figure in her area of expertise. With credentials including a PhD and a Masters in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Vienna, Austria, Verena’s internationally-published works, including The Health Benefits of Traditional Food Habits and The Colonial and Neo-colonial Forces Underpinning the 'Nutrition Transition’ are frequently presented at major conferences. Her innovative conceptualisation of the ‘Nutrition Transition’ is now included in the curriculum of leading universities worldwide.



Doctor Verena is passionate, thoughtful, determined, dedicated, creative and has attention to detail. Her mission is to empower people by facilitating them to step into the best version of themselves. The key to unlocking people's infinite potential starts in the mind. Identifying and resolving limiting beliefs, negative motivators and habits as well as thought patterns, unresolved conflicts, stressors or even trauma, creates the internal environments for the physical body to recuperate.

Doctor Verena’s holistic consultations combine scientific principles, methodical dedication and evidence based practices from the West with aspects of traditional healing modalities from the East (Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine), as well as Neuro-Training Kinesiology, to identify, address and eliminate the symptoms and heal the root cause of the condition (s). Doctor Verena empowers the individual through her practical and person-centered consulting services, enabling them to take responsibility of their own health and recuperation, ultimately leading to a transformation of ones’ health and wellbeing.


About Prue


My Story

Doctor Verena began her own journey to good health when she experienced body image issues, controlled eating behaviour, adrenal fatigue and insomnia in her early 20s.

Her personal odyssey, marked by the loss of a twin in-utero and the challenges of nurturing a sleepless infant, led her to a groundbreaking discovery: neuro-training kinesiology. Through this innovative approach, she unlocked the power of mind-body connection, paving the way for profound healing.

Dr. Verena's expertise extends beyond mere theory; she is a living testament to the transformative potential of nutrient-dense wholefoods. Her journey culminates in the creation of her own cookbook, a culinary masterpiece brimming with recipes designed to nourish and heal from within.

Click here to read Doctor Verena’s full story.



Prue is dedicated to ensuring the seamless functioning of back-office operations that help to keep the clinic running smoothly. This involves handling appointment scheduling and enquiries, dispatching orders, invoicing, developing social media content and more. With a warm and friendly approach, plus a deep appreciation for holistic health, she is passionate about supporting both Doctor Verena and her clients.