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This recipe is one of my favorite cakes for a special occasion just because it is so delicious with the additional benefit that it is super easy to make.

This very delicious raw vegan cheesecake is dairy free and grain free. It is a nutrient dense wholefood as all the ingredients are used in their raw and unprocessed form and frozen to set, which makes it a raw cake. This is a big advantage as the cake can be made far in advance of the occasion and leftovers can be kept fresh in the freezer as well.

The nuts used for this raw cake are rich in protein and consist of 80% unsaturated fat, fiber and key minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc. To benefit from the nutrients in the nuts and enhance their digestibility it is important to activate them to reduce the level of anti-nutrients. Phytic acid is one of those naturally occurring chemicals, an enzyme inhibitor interfering with the body’s ability to absorb key minerals. Eating large amounts of nuts can be challenging for the digestive system and may result in flatulence, bloating, heaviness or nausea. Activating the nuts through soaking is an easy solution to neutralising the enzyme inhibitors and to increase their digestibility.


Soaking is a very easy and fast process. You need to cover the chosen amounts of nuts with water (preferably filtered) and add 1 teaspoon of salt for every 1 cup of nuts. Almonds should be soaked for 12 hours, cashews for 3 hours and all other nuts for 10-12 hours. I like to soak the nuts overnight which makes it easy to have them ready for use on the next day. Once soaked, discard the soaking water, wash the nuts well and rinse. You can then use them in cooking or put them in a dehydrator (12-24 hours) for drying and storage.

I created this little habit of a soaking station on my kitchen bench where I soak all my nuts, seeds, legumes and wholegrains that I want to use the next day. Being organised and prepared really helps me with making healthy food choices and assist in using the correct food preparation techniques to maximise our nutrient absorption.

Once nuts and seeds are soaked and rinsed well they can be dehydrated at a low temperature to preserve the enzymes, which are destroyed at high heat. Just choose the lowest temperature setting on your oven (115-120 degrees Celsius) would be ideal.

You can also use the activated nuts to make nut milk by using 1 cup soaked nuts per 4 cups water and blending well in a high-speed blender for a few minutes, then strain the mixture through a nut milk bag or m a cheese cloth and voila.




½ cup of activated walnuts

½ cup of activated almonds

1 cup of activated macadamias

1/2 cup of pitted dates

1/4 cup of desiccated coconut


3 cups of activated cashews

3/4 cup of fresh lemon juice

3/4 cup of virgin coconut oil

3/4 cup of raw (unpasteurised) honey

1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

1/2 tsp of salt


1 1/2 cups of frozen or fresh raspberries

1/2 cup of pitted dates


Soak all the nuts for the recommended period of time (see above under “Activation Process”). I soak all the nuts overnight, except for the cashews, which I soak 3 hours before I start making the cake. Once soaked, discard soaking water, rinse and drain the nuts.

Sprinkle the base of a round 20 cm diameter baking tin with desiccated coconut.


Process macadamias, almonds and walnuts together with dates for 10 seconds at the highest speed in a food processor (Thermomix speed 7).

Distribute the crust evenly onto the base on top of the desiccated coconut, which will prevent the bottom from sticking. Use a wet tablespoon to prevent sticking and press the mixture evenly down. Transfer into the freezer.

Make the 'cheese' by discarding the soaking water from the cashews, draining well, followed by blending the cashews with the lemon juice, coconut oil and raw honey, vanilla and salt until smooth (Thermomix 20 sec/speed 10).

Get the baking tin from the freezer and pour the cashew mixture on top of the crust and distribute evenly. The air bubbles can be removed by shaking the baking tin slightly.

Place in the freezer for 5 hours or overnight.

Blend the dates with the raspberries and place evenly on top of the firm cheesecake.

Put into the freezer for another 2 hours to set. Take out 30 minutes before you want to eat it so that it can become a bit softer. My boys for example also enjoy it straight out of the freezer. It is more like an ice cream cake then. You will find your preference.

This cheesecake can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 months.


Recipe Copyright 2019 Doctor Verena. All Rights Reserved

Images: Amani Lindsell, TWP The Womens Pic Website, Facebook, Instagram

Styling by Belinda Elliott



Gupta, R.K., Gangoliya, S.S. & Singh, N.K.. (2015). Reduction of phytic acid and enhancement of bioavailable micronutrients in food grains. J Food Sci Technol. 52(2):676-84. doi: 10.1007/s13197-013-0978-y.



Slow cooking is really the healthiest version of ‘fast food’. While cooking slowly it has this convenient ‘fix-it and forget-it feature. You only need to add the ingredients into the slow cooker, switch it on and there is no stirring, fussing or additional attention necessary until your dish it ready to be served. It is perfect for busy mums, highflying corporates, busy students or anyone who wants to eat nutritious with ease. Your slow cooker can become your best friend. I am a big fan of cooking my dishes overnight, refrigerate them during the day and then I have them ready to heat for dinner when I come home from work.

There are so many benefits of using a slow cooker and slow cooked food.

The number one advantage is that a diversity of foods can be cooked all in one pot with convenience.

Larger portions can be cooked as well which is a big advantage for larger families, parties or functions. You can even take your slow cooker to your function. My yoga teacher for example was hosting a day yoga retreat and brought her chai tea in the slow cooker to keep it warm.

The slow cooker uses less electricity, which saves money, and produces less heat. This is important to some of us living in the Australian heat during summer where using the oven can become unbearable.

The slow, moist cooking environment, created in a slow cooker is perfect for breaking down the tough connective tissues of less tender, grass-fed, but more affordable cuts of meat. (e.g. brisket, shuck or shank).

The long but slow cooking period of meat and bones dissolves gelatines and collagens, enriching the dish’s liquid with flavour and key nutrients. (link future article: ‘Health benefits of bone broth’ to it).

It is good to take into consideration that long cooked meat dishes are higher in histamine levels and people with a history of digestive issues, particularly leaky gut should choose meat dishes only cooked for short periods of times.



Preparation 15minutes

Slow cook 9 hours

Serves 6 people


  • 1 ½ kg pork shoulder roast or scotch fillet or neck, skin removed, bone in.

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1 red onion, roughly chopped

  • 1 red capsicum, roughly chopp


Season the pork with salt. Heat large pan or your slow cooker container and brown pork on each side which will add more depth of flavor to the dish. Place onion and capsicum pieces in slow cooker, add the browned pork, if you had to brown it in a separate skillet. Put 1/2 cup of water into the slow cooker container, add the lid and cook on the LOW setting for 9 hours

Shred with two forks in the slow cooker and serve with or without sauce depending on how you want to use it. Serve it with your favorite salad such as a simple Raw Slaw and Probiotic Salad Dressing, some pickled vegetables, home-made sweet potato chips and some home-made mayo or aioli.


Recipe Copyright 2019 Doctor Verena. All Rights Reserved

Images: Amani Lindsell, TWP The Womens Pic Website, Facebook, Instagram

Styling: Belinda Elliott



  • Peters, C.R., Sinwell, D.D., & Van Duyne, F.O. (1983). Slow cooker vs. oven preparation of meat loaves and chicken. Journal of the American Diet Association. 83(4). 430-435.

  • Allbritton, J. (2007). Growing Wise Kids: The slow cooker rules. Wise Traditions. 8(4). 52-59.



Wouldn’t it be amazing to create your own wholefood mineral supplement and natural probiotic?

Here it is!

Your daily gut healing salad dressing is a must have in your Wholefood Kitchen Pantry as it is not only nutrient-dense but also aids digestion, re-mineralises your body and provides you with natural probiotics. You can make it in bulk on the weekend so that you can use it quickly during the week.


The natural probiotic in the salad dressing comes from miso paste that you can purchase in health food stores, supermarkets and food co-ops. It is made from soybeans, grain rice or barley, salt and koji inoculant which is a mold starter culture. I recommend purchasing organic, GMO free, domestic, naturally fermented, unpasteurised types, available in Health food stores, supermarkets and Food-Coops. I personally prefer shiro miso as it is lighter in color and sweeter in flavor. I really like the creamy consistency that the salad dressing receives through adding the miso. As it is high in salt use it in moderation.

Miso’s medicinal properties include:

  • Anti-carcinogen

  • Effective in reducing effects of radiation, smoking, air pollution, and other environmental toxins

  • The darker the colour of the miso paste, the more potent the medicinal properties

  • While all-natural fermented foods are invaluable digestive aids, miso is one of the remarkable ones because soy beans are a nutritive food already and further enhanced through fermentation.

  • Concentrated protein source, containing a rich amino-acid profile of the eight-essential amino-acids

  • Low in fat


Kelp is another nutrient-dense ingredient with a myriad of health properties. As with most seaweeds it is one of the most amazing cleansers and my favorite natural food supplement which is the reason for adding it to the salad dressing. Medicinally kelp is used for blood pressure regulation, weight loss, digestive aid, colon cleanser, and may alleviate kidney reproductive, circulation and nerve problems. One serving provides the recommended daily allowance of iodine. As many of us use rock salt, which is low in iodine it is even more important to ensure that we receive our recommended daily dose of iodine by adding seaweed sources. Kelp is high in all the major minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron as well as a rich source of trace minerals such as copper, zinc and chromium and contains various vitamins such as A, B6, B12, C, D and K.

Apple Cider has been used for many years as a folk remedy which goes back to its ability to normalize the body’s alkaline/acid balance which is due to its high mineral content, particularly high potassium level. Once consumed it immediately increases circulation, therefore moves stasis, be it emotional or physical. Internally, it cleanses the digestive tract. Its acidity reportedly aids in the removal of calcium deposits from joints and blood vessels without affecting normal calcium levels in the bones and teeth. When purchasing apple cider vinegar, look for organic, unfiltered, unpasteurised products.




Preparation time 5 minutes

Amount: 2/3 cups (150ml)


  • ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar

  • ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder

  • ½ cup of olive oil

  • ½ teaspoons of ground coriander powder

  • 1 teaspoon of kelp powder or dulse seaweed flakes

  • 1 heaped teaspoon of unpasteurised organic miso paste



Combine all the ingredients in a glass jar. Screw the lid well and shake it. Get a nice arm workout going with it. The miso paste can have the tendency to stick to the wall. Just use a spoon and mix it into the dressing. Shake well one more time by cling the jar.

The dressing can be stored in an airtight glass jar in the fridge for a week or two.


Recipe Copyright 2019 Doctor Verena. All Rights Reserved

Images: Amani Lindsell, TWP The Womens Pic Website, Facebook, Instagram

Styling: Belinda Elliott



  • Kok, C.R. & Hutkins, R. (2018). Yogurt and other fermented foods as sources of health-promoting bacteria. Nutr Rev. 76(Supplement_1):4-15. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuy056.

  • Glob Chang Biol. 2018 Oct 8. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14467. [Epub ahead of print]

  • Rajapakse, N. & Kim, S.K. (2011). Nutritional and digestive health benefits of seaweed. Adv Food Nutr Res. 64:17-28. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-387669-0.00002-8.

  • Brown, E.S., Allsopp, P.J., Magee, P.J., Gill, C.I., Nitecki, S., Strain, C.R., McSorley, E.M. (2014). Seaweed and human health. Nutr Rev. 72(3):205-16.

  • Goal, J., Anthonydhason, V., Muthu, M., Gansukh, E., Jung, S., Chul, S., Iyyakkannu, S. (2017). Authenticating apple cider vinegar's home remedy claims: antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties and cytotoxicity aspect. Nat Prod Res. 11:1-5. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2017.1413567.