We have been hit by so many terms. Let’s take a minute and clarify what they really mean and what we should choose.
Grain fed means, that the cow is fed grain at some point in its life. Grain fed meat is higher in hormones and antibiotics and results in more antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Feeding cattle grain makes their intestinal tracts much more acidic, and this promotes the growth of bacteria like E. coli.(1, 2)
Grass fed and grass-finished means, the cow is fed 100% grass for its entire life. Research shows that traditional farming practices result in benefiting the environment by reducing green house gas emissions, increasing biodiversity of pasture ecosystems and improving quality of run-off water from well-managed pasture.(3, 4)
Grass-fed but not grass-finished means that the cow was grass fed as well as grain.
Organic means, that the cow was raised on certified organic land without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or GMOs. The animals must also have year-round outdoor access and be fed a diet free of hormones or antibiotics. Although organic cows are much healthier, it’s possible for a cow to be grass-fed and not organic or vice versa. This is a special label you need to look out for.
When choosing your beef, it is clear that you go for grass-fed, grass-finished, organic beef from cows raised on well-managed farms that you trust. However, due to the fact that they live longer and take up more space it tends to be more expensive. If you are on a budget you can still source grass-fed, grass-finished beef that is close to the cost of grain-fed beef, particularly if you buy in bulk.
High-quality grass-fed, beef and butter from healthy, grass-fed and grass-finished cows or other animals also taste better and are higher in omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and precursors to vitamin A and E, cancer fighting antioxidants, compared to grain fed beef. (5, 6)
CLA is a powerful polyunsaturated fatty acid that is essential obtain from our diets as it discourages weight grain, builds muscle and has been shown to help fights cancer.
Talk to your local a butcher and read the labels when purchasing your meat and butter.
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